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EduCondo Guides

  • Members only

    Acoustic problems in a co-ownership

    This guide is intended to be a summary of the issues relating to acoustics in condo buildings. It is possible to obtain more information about your responsibilities as a co-owner, or administrator, as well as recourses by communicating with our legal department. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide
  • Members only

    By-law: Consulting the register of co-ownership

    This guide will allow you to identify the elements that you must consider when you create your by-law on the consultation of the syndicate's registry. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Co-ownership by phases

    The Civil Code of Quebec does not distinguish between traditional co-ownerships and co-ownerships by phases. This guide will help you deepen your knowledge of co-ownerships by phases defined by the method of concomitant declarations of co-ownership. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View le guide

  • Members only

    Digitization and digital document storage for a syndicate of co-ownership

    This guide was developed to present the best practices for digitization a registry of co-ownership in order to eliminate paper copies. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Establishing a Records Retention Schedule for a Syndicate of co-ownership

    This guide will help you establish a Records Retention Schedule that will help you in the maintenance of your archives. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Fire safety in co-ownership

    This guide addresses fire safety in co-ownership. It covers the subject of prevention, inspection of your fire safety system, emergency measures, evacuation plans, evacuation measures, and provides a checklist for each of these components. However, it does not replace your municipal fire safety laws. For this reason, we recommend that you contact a fire safety company and verify the compliance of your procedures with your municipality's fire department. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    General meeting officers

    This guide provides a summary of the different roles of assembly officers. Your declaration of co-ownership also provides some information to this effect. If there is a difference between the content of this document and your declaration of co-ownership, we invite you to contact one of our Info-gestion advisers. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Quebec Sales Tax (QST)

    Generally, the syndicate of co-ownership cannot invoice the GST or QST to the co-owners’ common expenses. The syndicate cannot recover the GST or the QST paid on certain purchases except under certain circumstances. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Hiring a building manager

    You want to hire a building manager? What should you include in the call for tenders? Consult the sample job description, complete with detailed responsibilities, job requirements and selection criteria. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Installing a charging station for electric vehicles

    This guide presents a summary of the elements to consider when the syndicate receives a request for the installation of a charging station. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Remunerating the directors of a syndicate of co-ownership

    When you remunerate a director, you must determine whether you must make deductions and pay employer contributions to the Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec. This guide will help you identify your obligations in this matter. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Security cameras in co-ownerships

    Everything you need to know about security cameras and occupants' right to privacy in co-ownership.Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Situations where the syndicate may impose a cost to a third party or a co-owner

    What by-laws are permitted? How to calculate the charges? Find out in this Guide. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Tax return

    Like all other non-profit organizations, the Syndicate of co-ownership must submit certain financial documents. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Undeclared work

    Construction work or home renovations represent a major investment, and people, in an effort to save money, may be tempted to hire someone under the table... but the risk may be much higher than expected! Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide


  • Members only

    Virtual co-ownership meetings

    This guide presents certain technological manipulations for holding a virtual meeting of 20 co-owners or less. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Water leak detectors and automatic water shut off valves in co-ownerships

    This guide presents two approaches: prevention (i.e. installing these systems without any constraints), and a situation where a syndicate must install these systems in order to remain insured. The monetary burden and the choice of supplier are also discussed. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

Reference Guides and Factbooks

  • Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector

    French only La Loi modernisant des dispositions législatives en matière de protection des renseignements personnels apporte des modifications importantes à la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels dans le secteur privé (Loi sur le privé). Il faut les mettre en œuvre dès septembre 2022! Cet outil vise à vous familiariser avec certaines de vos nouvelles responsabilités et obligations. View the guide

  • Becoming co-owner. Purchase of my future condo

    French only GCR, l'OACIQ et le RGCQ ont décidé de produire conjointement un guide pour l’achat d’une copropriété. Nous sommes convaincus que cette ressource aidera grandement les futurs acheteurs à prendre des décisions éclairées. Ce guide contribuera non seulement à mieux les protéger, mais participera aussi à préserver le parc de copropriétés. Visit the website www.monfuturcondo.info/ or View the guide

  • Members only

    Bill 16 : Overview of the main measures

    Bill 16 was adopted on Thursday, December 5th 2019. Several new provisions will come into force on Janurary 10th, while others will begin to apply in a few years. This document provides a quick overview of the main measures of Bill 16. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Board of Directors tasks to be completed

    Schedule proposing the tasks to be accomplished by a syndicate of co-ownership's board of directors. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Co-ownership insurance regulations: a final point to Bill 141

    The government has published the Regulation respecting insurance for divided co-ownerships, which supplements the provisions of Bill 141. We have prepared an explanatory guide to the measures enacted by these Regulations. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Declarations by the seller of the immovable

    This OACIQ form allows you, as a seller, to properly inform a potential buyer about the condition of the property and promotes transparency for a better sale. Download

  • Members only

    Index: Board of Directors tasks to be completed

    Complementary document to the guide Board of Directors tasks to be completed which specifies certain details relating to each activity. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Members only

    Instructions for remote meetings

    This guide presents the criteria you must meet and the recommendations of the RGCQ to ensure that your virtual meetings are held correctly. Please note that the second part of the document is in English. View the guide

  • Renewal of condominium owners' insurance

    This document allows you to learn about the 10 essential questions regarding condominium owners' insurance renewal. Download.

  • Request for information to the syndicate of co-owners

    This form, provided by the OACIQ, allows you to submit a request for information regarding the identification of your condominium syndicate. Download.


French only

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