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Legal Regulation of Condo Managers


Since its creation in 1999, the RGCQ has actively defended the supervision of the profession of condominium manager. The establishment of a mandatory and continuing training program, the implementation of a system of practice permits or even mandatory membership in a regulatory body are all avenues capable of ensuring high standards of quality and competence in this sector.

Supervising managers means guaranteeing transparent, ethical and responsible management of condominiums in Quebec.

Why does it matter?

Our demands

Targeted, realistic proposals

  • Legal regulation

    The RGCQ also suggests that condominium managers be members of a professional order or self-regulatory organization whose mission is to define standards of practice and ethics, and to supervise members' practices.

  • Mandatory training

    The RGCQ is calling for condominium managers to undergo mandatory training to give them the skills and knowledge they need to perform their duties effectively and professionally.

  • License to practice

    The RGCQ advocates the introduction of a licensing system for condominium managers. The purpose of this measure is to ensure that only qualified and competent individuals can practice in this field.